Are you feeling run-ragged, unmotivated and unfulfilled? Like life is passing you by and all you can do is watch whilst peeping out from your duvet cocoon on the sofa?
Gather round! I want to give you the heads up on ‘showing up for yourself’ and why it is so important to start doing it, ASAP.
And I’ll start by telling you this, its a ton easier not to show up for yourself. We’re all guilty of it: putting ourselves to the bottom of the the pile. Being a super-good friend, reliable, not bailing on plans, giving fabulous advice and generally putting others needs in front of our own.
So what is showing up for yourself?
In its most basic form, showing up for yourself is focusing on your needs, be that physically, mentally or emotionally. It’s finding a deeper understanding of what you require to feel your best; giving you the control and confidence to steer your life in the direction you want.
It’s about making healthier, kinder choices so you can be the best version of you, for you.
Allowing negative situations, thoughts and behaviour
This results in you feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. Most definitely not where you want – or deserve – to be.
But, the good news is, you have the skills to change your priorities and empower yourself to live a happier and more content life.
How to show up for yourself
It can be as simple as painting your nails or getting your eyebrows done. Reading that book you’ve been looking at for ages, making healthier eating choices, moving your body at the gym, having a precious lie in when the world outside is turning, drinking more water or having an early night.
Saying yes to plans. Or saying no to plans.
All of those ‘self-indulgent’ things you avoid or choose not to allow yourself – make time for them!
This also applies to belittling your abilities and putting yourself down.
Shut down negative thought patterns and replace them with positive self-talk. Try writing down or repeating affirmations to help realign your subconscious so it only listens to positive, self-empowering beliefs. (Yep, you will feel little a total weirdo at first but it does work, prom.)
All of this is easier said than done. But with practise the more familiar it will be.
Normalise showing up for yourself and it will become your normal.
Key takeaways:
So, if you take anything from this blog…
• Prioritise yourself without feeling guilty or self-indulgent.
• Self-love isn’t selfish. It’s putting the time in so you can flourish, live your desired life, and be the ultimate version of you, for yourself and others around you.
• And ultimately, by showing up for yourself, you give others the permission to do it themselves, too.
Go forth and enjoy, friends! And buy yourself the flowers/dress/massage/exspenny candle. You deserve it.